Monday, January 15, 2007

The U.S. military is making another strong effort to recruit more Muslims into the military. It is understandable. With efforts to increase the total number of the armed forces and the recently declared troop increase in Iraq. The military will take anyone that they can get, but the effort to recruit more Muslims is about more than just filling the ranks. It is about showing that the "War on Terror" is not a "War on Islam". The overt effort to recruit more Muslims seems similar to the person who says that that they aren't racist because they have had black people in their homes and they tell you the number of Hispanic/Black people that they consider friends (just a fyi...if you count the number of minorities have been in your home or that are your friends...then you're probably a racist...just saying).

Regardless, of the number of the number of prayer centers and imams that are introduced to the military, it is still the military. The military comes before everything, especially your religion if you are not Christian. I don't say this, as a tool of devisivness, but as statement of reality. All practicing Muslims in the military face a trial . The reality of the military is that you don't have the rights that are fighting to protect (this includes the freedom of religion). Don't be surprised if the non-Muslims who are your leaders overtly or covertly undermind your attempts to actively practice Islam. You will be paraded during Ramadan, and inter-faith functions as the representative for all Muslims. You will face the ignorance of co-workers and leaders daily. I have met Muslims that have a patience that I lack, that see joining the military as a form of dawah. It may very well be that, but it is not an easy road to travel because the system is stacked against you. This is in conjunction with the possibility of killing an innocent person (Muslim or non-Muslim). There is no such thing as collateral damage in Islam. We also have prescribed reasons for undertaking a war.

Inshallah, we all will be guided to the truth.

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