Wednesday, April 12, 2006

CIOG urges Muslims to oppose racism, corruption

Tuesday, April 11th 2006
The Central Islamic Organisation of Guyana (CIOG) has extended Youman Nabi greetings to the nation.
According to a press release from the organisation Youman Nabi comes at a time when, more than ever, the country needs to hear the Prophet Muhammad's message of morality. It entails bringing into focus the life, station and character of the prophet in order to become enlightened and encouraged to live with integrity. The CIOG urged Muslims to learn, understand, practice and uphold this message and apply it to their daily lives and business dealings. Muslims must be people of morality who maintain honesty in their conduct and guard against worldly lusts like greed and gluttony. They must also be people of justice who live and judge by the standards of Allah and his messenger in order to shield themselves from influences that would lead them to wrongdoing. Also, they must oppose prejudicial practices and corruption whether it occurs at home, in communities or in the nation. These values, the CIOG says, will allow Muslims to live in the path shown by the prophet.

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