Thursday, June 22, 2006

Muslims offer to bury ghost ship victims
Tuesday, 13 June 2006

The Muslim community in Barbados has informally approached government to bury the eleven men found dead in a boat off the coastline some weeks ago.Attorney General Dale Marshall says the offer was recently received, with the proposal to bury the bodies at the Muslim cemetery in Synagogue Lane. Mr. Marshall says once a formal proposal is made to government it would be willing to consider the offer. Meanwhile, the bodies of the eleven men are to be removed from storage and taken to the Forensic Sciences Centre later this week. Attorney General Marshall says this will stop government from paying just over $500 a day to store the bodies. The move comes as a second team from the international police association prepares to conduct forensic tests on the bodies here in Barbados, after more local harvesting of DNA by local authorities.The nationalities of the dead men are still to be determined, even though it is believed that they are of African origin.

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