Thursday, November 30, 2006
I like to showcase or at least mention, what I consider to be groundbreaking measures taken within the Ummah across the U.S. The community in San Jose, California area have established a domestic violence shelter for battered spouses. It's not like it doesn't exist, people simple don't talk about it publicly. Every community that is able should have at least one of these for both Muslims and non-Muslims.


Bachar Houli
On a wing and a prayer: Bachar Houli, the first Muslim AFL football player says he has a remarkably different lifestyle to his team mates. Picture: Matthew Bouwmeester

I am truly becoming optimistic about the prospect of non-Muslims gaining a better understanding of Islam. From the Australian footballer who took shahadah, to the papers in larger cities being able to discern between Muslims who practice their faith and those who appear not to. I have came across several articles that referenced a degree of understanding about Islam and Muslims that was not present previously (sorry not links).

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Be Good People!

A little bit of guidance.
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There is an effort to develop a Muslim (and Inshallah, halal) version of the International Monetary Fund or IMF. With all of the wealth in Muslim nations, this is a must.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I have devoted a fair amount of time and space to the restoration of the rights of sisters in this deen, that's why I like to announce the formation of an international Islamic advisory council for women. We need to restore the balance.


Omar Shahin purchased a ticket from Northwest Airlines on Tuesday after being removed from a U.S. Airways flight the previous evening
Janet Hostetter / AP
Omar Shahin purchased a ticket from Northwest Airlines on Tuesday after being removed from a U.S. Airways flight the previous evening

I guess it took a probe by Newsweek for many Americans to recognize that there racial, ethnic, and religious profiling sontinues to exist today. They could've asked me, I would have told them......but would they believe me without a Rodney King type scenario (with video of course).

Monday, November 27, 2006

Muslim Women Retake Your Place

There is a great deal of dialouge taking place both locally, nationally, and globally about the role that female Muslims are playing within our communities. I personally believe that the dialouge is good and should foster a change within our communities. The change that I speak of are the ones that remove the barriers that are cultural in origin and imposed as if they were shariah.
I had the opportunity to see an interview by the new head of ISNA, and was profoundly impressed. I wasn't impressed becasue she is a convert, I wasn't impressed because she is a woman; I was impressed because she appeared firm in her convictions, but not to the point of beligerently imposing it on others. She taught others about the deen in her answer to questions without sounding like a college professor or a prostylizer. I think that women should play a prominent role on the boards and committees within our local ummahs. We should want no less than to provide our sisters, mothers, daughters, aunts, and nieces with all of the social mobility and influence held by standards for Muslim women, the wives of the Prophet. This means that we should expect them to be business leaders as well as leaders within our community.
I guess that the campaign by the U.S. and the FBI in particular to "win the hearts and minds" of Muslims are running into snags boh here and abroad(read article). First of all, I have never been a fan of the phrase "win hearts and minds". As a Muslim, only Allah should win our hearts and minds. The phrase makes me feel as though one entity wants to control another entity. I can not recall where a hearts and minds campaign has succeeded. If you want people to see you in a different light, then make a change and truly become the image that you project. Anything short of that will only breed mistrust and suspicion. Approach people as individual equals, and not as a inferrior that needs one leader to speak for everyone. Until you have this, I don't see a meaningful understanding arising.

Sunday, November 26, 2006


In a rare instance, a Muslim was acquitted of perjury because he could not remember the name of a person allegedly associated with 911 (read article). Nowadays, he could have been convicted on his name alone (Osama Awadallah). I was surprised that his acquittal did not gain more media coverage (joke).


You can tell that hajj is in the air when China lets nearly 10,000 Chinese Muslims go on hajj (read article), and Russia lets approximately 18,000 Muslims go on hajj (read article ). Neither one of these countries are particularly fond of Islam or their resident Muslims, but TAKBEER!!!


I think that there is a real and legitimate fear of Muslims (read article). I think that this a large reason why Muslims are harassed in stores and airports. Obviously, 911 had a lot to do with the airport situation, but in airports it used a pretext to create an environment where Muslims can be openly discriminated against. Because they look and act suspiciously (read article). From what I understand, Muslim birth rates are higher in many European countries, which means over time the nations would become Muslim via birth rates. Yes, there is a fear.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Looking for a spouse online

An interesting perspective on finding a spouse online.

Some college students and others think that the war has hurt Islams image (read article here). I think that the image of Islam endures and is above all of the petty machinations of governments and individuals that seek to define it in a way that is different than how Allah (SWT) defined it through the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Other factions seek to "modernize" the deen the way that other religions have done (read article here). If Allah (SWT) perfected Islam over 1400 years ago, who can improve on it?

Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving Our Way

It appears that there was a rise in the number of halal turkies sold and purchased for Thanksgiving. This is a positive because it means that businesses are beginning to accommidate Muslims. This is most certainly due to their desire for the Muslim dollar, but it can be an opening for non-Muslims to understand Islam better. Although, non-halal chain stores are offering halal products, we must continue to support the halal stores in our community. They are our dietary backbone. If they disappear, then we are at a disadvantage.

The Truth Behind Turkey Day

Many people celebrate many holidays in the west because they are presented with the romanticised (usually commercial story) that accompanies them. I am not saying that it is wrong or right to celebrate Thanksgiving (we should have a time set aside to give thanks, oh wait we do. We call it Salaat). Here is a link to a more historically accurate story to the origins of Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Muslim clerics claim discrimination
Times of India, India - 9 hours ago
MINNEAPOLIS: Six Muslim clerics removed from a US Airways flight said on Tuesday they were victims of discrimination and called for a boycott of the airline. ...
US Airways to investigate arrests for 'flying while Muslim'
'Flying while Muslim' Pioneer Press
Investigations Launched After Muslims Pulled Off Plane Newsweek

all 631 news articles »


BBC News
Muslim does bird for eating swan
Daily Telegraph, Australia - 4 hours ago
A HUNGRY Muslim who tried to eat a swan while fasting during the Islamic festival of Ramadan was today given a two-month jail sentence. ...
Man jailed for killing British queen's swan Daily News & Analysis
Fasting man killed swan to eat Times Online
Hungry man who killed swan jailed BBC News
This is London - The Mercury (subscription)
all 12 news articles »

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


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The whole flying while Muslim thing has gotten entirely out of control. 6 Muslims were arrested because they made other passengers nervous because they made salaat in the airport( don't take my word for it, read it for yourself). The irony is that they were returning from a conference on religious tolerance. Obviously, everyone on that flight didn't attend the same conference.

Caught on Tape

A UCLA student was tasered last week in the library (Muslim of course). You can read the article here and the video is below ( the protest video follows).

Time for Salaat

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Muslims have used the sundial, water clock, and astrolobe to determine the time for salaat. The proliferation of computer software and Internet access has made these some of the leading options in determining salaat times.
The Wisdom of Patience

There is truly wisdom in this lecture.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Good Muslims

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Muslims in Tampa seem to have had it tough after 911, but this article is good to see. The county is actually praising them ( it only cost $5,000). We all should be doing this anyway.

What a View

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A new timeshare in Mecca has arguabely the best view innthe world. It is a good thing that I can not afford it, because the article raises some valid points that leave me conflicted.

Call Christmas Christmas

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There has been an increased amount of complaining from Christians about the lack of religious association between Christianity and the Christmas holiday season. They say that it has even got to the point where businesses are reluctant to even call it Christmas, but instead opt for "The holiday season". This is a bid to make the holiday season seem multicultural. Normally, I would not be overly concerned, but one of the reasons given for this shift in terminology is an attempt to appeal to non-Christians like Muslims. Personally, I think that the season should be called what it is Christmas, not winter break, not holiday season, and the season for giving. If it is called what it is, then there is less of a likelihood of Muslims celebrating a Christian holiday called by another name. Ultimately, I think that the desire of stores to sell more stuff to more people is behind the name change, but Muslims (in my opinion) should not be bothered by Christians celebrating Christmas. They are Christians, thats' what they do.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Thank Allah It's Jumma

This is a short film that is funny because it is silly and true at the same time.

Five minutes as a U.S. Congressman and he already must defend his faith. He seems to be doing a good job, explain and educate.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Sisters Day

Ingrid Mattson, the new ISNA president

This good to see. I think that I have heard her speak at an ISNA Conference before, and I was impressed by her thought provoking perspective. ISNA seems to be headed in the right direction.

(Tom Reel/Express-News)

Art wares at Artful Baraka, a display at the Multicultural Muslim Family Expo 06 at Crossroads mall, are viewed by (from left) Nazneen Husain, Ahmed Zaidi, Yasmine Chughtaie and Fauzia Abbasi.

What can I say? I really like Islamic Conventions and Expos. I don't know if it is the sight of so many Muslims in one place or the enlightening lectures and seminars. The bazzars are cool too. Conventions are definately the place to see the diversity within Islam.

Adina Lecovich leads WHM session on Muslim Women
I guess that this completes a day that seems to focus on the sisters. I like seeing sisters that are outgoing and within the bounds of Islam at the same time. The sisters who spoke are part of a greater effort to provide a clear understanding of the many aspects of Islam. TAKBEER!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006


This article garnered an unprecedented flaming question mark. Apparently, there is not only a movement to try and convert Muslims overseas, there is a very active effort in the U.S. to infiltrate Muslim circles for prostelyzing. Personally, I don't don't believe that a person with iman and taqwa in their hearts can ever be swayed, but I just find the attempt insulting. On a positive note, I think that the article was well written and offered a diverse perspective on the topic.

I am not opposed to nor endorse sisters wearing niqabs, but I do believe that it is well within the boundaries of Islam for them to make the choice for themselves. Thats' why it troubles me when governments try to micro-manage religions...especially ones that are not their own. I guess that this should be addresses towards countries like Tunisa and Turkey before addressing the Netherlands plan to ban niqabs and the like in public.

It seems that U.S. intelligence think that Muslim rappers are creating extremist. The group that this article is referring to is not only defunct, they weren't that good. I think that true affecienado of rap and especially Muslim rap can discern between the celebration of the deen and propaganda. The man just has a thing out for Muslims, and rappers. If the Muslim rapper happens to be black, then thats' the trifecta. They will be probable caused before they can press the record button.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Mohammad Abdul-Mateen Chida, founder and owner of Halalco Supermarket in Falls Church, Virginia
Mohammad Abdul-Mateen, founder and owner of Halalco Supermarket

There is nothing like a good halal store. I guess more and more halal stores are popping up across the nation. Who knows, maybe before long there will be a national chain.

It is good to see that sisters are beginning down the road to regaining the prominence and presence in the deen that they did during the time of the Prophet.

The prospect of a gay pride march in Jerusalem, shows that Muslim, Jews, and Christians are more alike than different. It also shows that we can all work together towards common goals.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Understand your role & Play your role.

This is a good speech by Imam Hamza Yusef about Muslims historical presence in this country and the role that we must play in it now.


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There is a call for the richer Muslim nations to help the poorer Muslim nations. Great idea! Now lets' get it done.

Latino Muslims The rising tide of Hispanic/Latino Muslim reverts should come as no surprie.

Thursday, November 09, 2006


We Are Special!!!
A model minority?

Apparently, some think that American Muslims are unique, and that we are a microcosim of global Islam. I don't know about all of that, but it makes for an interesting read.

Jabron Hashmi
Jabron Hashmi was killed on duty in Afghanistan

First Canada. Now the UK is making a push to recruit Muslims. Will the U.S. be next?

Eric Miller/Reuters

Keith Ellison, speaking in Minneapolis, said Thursday that he would serve “from a standpoint of improving the quality of civil and human rights for all people in America.” Mr. Ellison celebrated with his wife, Kim.

The election of the first Muslim to a national office says a lot about American Muslims and America. TAKBEER!!!


Another slow news day.More Laughs. Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

muslim comedian

It is slow news day. So here is a little comedy. Laughter is good for the soul.

Monday, November 06, 2006


A call for a caliphate in Zanzibar. This is interesting in theory, but I don't know how they could it off on a global scale. I guess that you have to think big.

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The Jordanian king gave a speech in which he believes that Muslims can preserve their identity and remain good citizens in the west. In general, I have a positive impression of the king, but I have a lingering feeling that from time to time, he is a mouthpiece for western powers. It also doesn't help that Jordan has the notorious reputation as being a country that has taken torture to the next level (the last time I checked, torture was haram). I should probably shut up before I earn myself a private tour of the torture factory.

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Apparently, not only can we to fly hassle-free, but we can't work at airports either(in France anyway). The word on the street is that the U.S. is behind it. Now we are exporting unemployment!

Sunday, November 05, 2006


It looks like Saudi Arabia is getting into the tourism game, and using Islam as the hook. I would think that having the oldest religious pilgrimage site on the planet would be enough of attraction for the kingdom, I guess not. If they want more tourist, they can start by working with travel agents to make Hajj or Umrah packages affordable enough where you don't have to sell an organ to afford the ticket. Also, a good PR person would tell you to tell your citizens to smile a little more (I heard that it will help you live longer). For the right price I would love to be a tourist, but I don't know how long I can survive on one kidney!
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It appears that giving to national and international Muslim charitable organizations are down. I am not surprised. This is a byproduct of the overzealous desire by federal organizations to link every Muslim charity to a terrorist organization. I don't think that the singling out of Muslim charities is right, but in all fairness some of those organizations were probably fronts for people who did not follow the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH). There is however a silver lining if we choose to see it. I have frequently wondered why every Eid money was shipped half-way around the world. I am not saying that there was not a need, but there is a need in our local communities also. If we as Muslim communities did more local charity within and outside of the local Muslim Ummah, a lot of misunderstandings can be abated. Why are there hungry Muslims in our own cities outside the month of Ramadan. What are we doing for the homeless, the battered wives, or the disadvantaged. Both inside and outside of the Ummah. I believe that this one way that we can follow the Sunnah of Muhammad (PBUH). Now I will off of my soapbox and let you get started helping your community.....the entire community.

In the Army Now

Canadians are making an effort to recruit Muslims into the military. I give them an "A" for effort, but from the perspective of a Muslim recruit I would advise them to be aware of their decision. There are more than a few facts of reality about being a Muslim in the military in the west. First and foremost it is hard to practice your faith (regardless of what recruiters tell you, their concern is to get bodies in the military). The food is not halal, superiors of other faiths will make it difficult for you to practice Islam by using your obligation to the military as a pretext. You will not be allowed to make salaat on time, observing Ramadan will be discouraged in non-overt ways, and the military culture is too established for the system to be changed from within. Unfortunately, because western armies are in conflict with Muslims you may find yourself in the position of killing another Muslim. I am not writing this piece to necessarily discourage Muslims from joining the military, but I want you to have realistic expectation of military life for a practicing Muslim. Allah knows best and in the end HE is our only judge.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Deen You Know

I found a live show version of "Deen You Know"
Official Native Deen Small Deeds
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The word on the street is that Muslims are voting Democrates this year. I'm not saying what anyone should vote, that's your choice. What I would like is for more voters, especially Muslims, to become Independents having no allegiance to any organized political party. This way neither party takes your vote for granted and their is no such thing as voting a party line or agenda. I believe that we should vote for that which best complies to Islam, and secondary that which is in the best interest of all humanity and our Muslim brothers and sisters around the globe.
This is an interesting article with Native Deen (the gold standard for Muslim Hip Hop). I guess that they are on a world tour. This is article from Turkey and I think that they just left Europe or Africa. Their new album is out and they have some pretty good songs on it like "The Deen You Know" (thi is a banger on the low), I also like "Small Deeds". It has a pretty good video. Inshallah, I'll see if I can find it to post.
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I'm telling you, I am really beginning to buy into the whole story of Prince Charles being a closet Muslim. Maybe he is waiting to actually be crowned king before going public. The first crowned Muslim king of a Europen country in the 21st century (the Caliphates of Spain were probably the first). He is visiting a madrasa soon.
The Creation of human being in Islam

This is a good way to start the day!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


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I have had horrible experiences with the study of Islam in a secular University setting. I believe that it is because there is a necessary perspective that is missing from the majority of students. They try to apply a western and worldly mentality to a subject that does not comply to the parameters that they are using (i.e...the classic apples and oranges comparison). Inshallah, these courses will faire better. There is a need for quality instruction on the topic to non-Muslims. I have taken graduate courses where I was the only Muslim student in the class and all of the students were more concerned about being quoted in the paper about some global matter that was loosely associated to Islam, than they were about truly mastering the subject. Unfortunately, many of them received degrees and are now teaching and speaking on Islam and they don't know what they are talking about. It is truly a case of the blind leading the blind. Because they have advanced degrees, they are taken as subject experts by those that know little or nothing about Islam. This is really a shame.

Hip-Hop 4 Islam

Islam in Hip Hop is growing. I never heard of most of these groups, but Native Deen & the Sons of Hagar are pretty good.